Project Management Tool For Communications Portal - XB Software Unlock potential. Conquer exams. Choose Examarius. More Info

Project Management Tool For Communications Portal

A web-tool developed with the use of a JavaScript Gantt chart that simplified project management, tracking of work progress as well as estimation of the project value.

Business Challenge

The client had an operating communications portal that covered the basic managerial needs of the company, such as keeping a record of all managers’ personal data, projects and tasks (or objectives) specified for the company’s project managers. However, the portal lacked a tool that would allow simple project management, assigning of tasks and easy tracking of project implementation. That’s why the client requested a customizable tool that should be integrated into the existing system and be fully functional in modern browsers.


After a profound business analysis of the company’s needs, our team offered a suitable solution in the form of a Gantt chart built using zooming and a filtering chart module as a base. We’ve updated the Milestone & Tasks Add Function with a Gantt chart to let a user start building a new project and create and manage tasks within the created milestone. The Gantt chart section that was added by our developers to the communications portal allowed simple editing of all milestones and tasks.

The created tool included a section with Objective radio buttons to filter the created tasks (objectives) by My Objectives, All Objectives and Escalated. To keep track of the status of the objective, a task status radio button group was added. It allowed fast change of the task status from progress to late or completed. The developers added a possibility to set the priority of milestones and tasks (low, normal, high), the start and the end date of a task, and set different access rights to the team members.

The Milestones Gantt Bar displays the percentage of closed and open tasks for the milestone that provides the % of the progress of the overall milestone.

We’ve added functionality where a user can reorder Milestones and Tasks by dragging a milestone with all linked tasks above or below, reorder tasks within a milestone or drag them from one milestone to another.

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The created and customized Gantt chart was successfully integrated into the client’s communications portal.

The system improved overall business performance thanks to:

  • easy tracking of projects implementation
  • fasts creating and managing of milestones and tasks.
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