Online Staff Performance Management System - XB Software Unlock potential. Conquer exams. Choose Examarius. More Info

Online Staff Performance Management System

An intuitive performance management tool for educators that allows schools and organizations to monitor staff performance on an ongoing basis, set KPIs, record short-term and long-term objectives, and make the appraisal (and self-evaluation) process more comprehensive and transparent.

Business Challenge

The customer released a performance management system to reduce bureaucracy and inefficiencies in schools and local authorities. The customer’s key requirement was to improve the system’s user interface, and that’s why XB Software was contacted—to give UX recommendations, and to redesign and develop the front-end of the current performance management system and also develop interfaces and front-end parts for new modules.

Other requested features included support for Ofsted standards for schools across the UK and the option to add other world standards to the system too. This tool also needed enough storage for photos, PDF files, Excel files and Word documents, along with the ability  to print them out. It should be possible to generate pre-designed reports which can then be forwarded to governors or shared with colleagues. These reports should be anonymized and could be used to demonstrate how teaching at a particular school has changed over time.

The staff performance management tool should have an intelligent permissions system with strict access control and should deliver a continuous appraisal process of teachers’ performance using the triangulation method, allowing them to identify their weaknesses and improve.

Overall, we used our UX-design expertise to give the customer a clear and intuitively understandable user interface, and our development skills to link it to the existing back-end.


We built the tool in accordance with the latest IT and design trends, which is why the XB Software team selected Webix JavaScript UI library as the development framework for the staff performance system.

The system includes a self-evaluation dashboard, planning dashboard, progress tracking tables and a set of subsidiary tools.

To automatically triangulate the outcomes of the monitoring process (lesson observations, work scrutiny and forms completed by colleagues), developers used a number of Webix data management and data visualization widgets, such as: DataTable, Charts, SideMenu, TreeTable, Search, Select/MultiSelect, SegmentedButtons, Toolbar, Tabview, Template, etc.

Webix Datatable was used to build a comprehensive user management system and set up all necessary data (name, surname, username, status, category, special rights, etc.). The cycle management system was set up to support the appraisal process. The ability to add a new progress tracker was added.

All KPIs are tracked on the KPI dashboard. Webix Pivot, SideMenu, and TreeTable widgets were used to create a simple dashboard for task management, displaying a timeline for all activities to be undertaken, and including an indication of their status (for example, overdue). School leads can have access to the dashboard to monitor the performance of all teachers.

Webix Charts were used to visualize performance for each person and build individual comparisons displaying organizational and school averages.

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To meet the customer’s requirements in full, the whole system, including the front-end part, was built with Webix.

As a result, the customer got a web-based application that can be securely accessed from any device all over the globe. The system is an appraisal tool to evaluate how a staff member meets expectations. It enjoys a high reputation among teachers, governors, and inspectors on performance management.

The performance management system we developed allows users to:

  • avoid bureaucracy and inefficiencies in schools and local authorities
  • integrate big data storage for photos, PDF files, Excel files and Word documents, which can be printed out in a click
  • generate anonymized reports which can be forwarded to governors or shared with colleagues
  • monitor the performance of all teachers by using the KPI dashboard.
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