Free Estimation Template + PERT - XB Software Unlock potential. Conquer exams. Choose Examarius. More Info

Free Estimation Template [+ PERT]

Calculate all possible risks and determine expected project duration

This is a free estimation template that will help you to make development forecasts and plan further actions of your team. It will be a lot easier for you to define potential activity duration, including minimum, maximum, and most probable estimation.

Our estimation template will help you to make all the needed predictions:

  • Expected project duration (hours)
  • Business analysis and project management (hours, %)
  • Contingency reserves (hours, %)
  • QA and bug fixing (hours, %)
  • Management reserves (hours, %)
  • Probability of project completion

Download the Free Estimation Template + PERT today and start planning your projects with greater accuracy and confidence. With this powerful tool at your fingertips, you can save time, reduce costs, and improve project outcomes. Get started now and take your project management to the next level!

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