We are thrilled to announce the release of major updates in Examarius, our popular online test software. The enhancements we performed are designed to make your exam management and assessment processes smoother and more efficient than ever before.

With a focus on user-friendly features and cutting-edge technologies, Examarius continues to evolve to meet the needs of educators, examiners, and businesses. Whether you’re looking to streamline test creation, enhance the quality of your assessments, or gain deeper insights into student performance, our new feature is here to help. Let’s explore the exciting updates that will transform the way you manage exams and assessments!

Examarius Version Updates

Since its launch in February, 2024, Examarius had different types of updates that were aimed at not only improving the overall software performance but also at expanding its components to let customers use game-changing features in one platform. Thus, besides minor fixes, the latest updates included the release of the following features:

  • Question Bank Integration. Allows integration of question bank components as part of the Test Builder.
  • Pin Question Sequence. Examiners can select those questions that will remain in their original sequence without randomizing.
  • Zoom Feature. Students can zoom in on any picture in the test, whether it’s a single picture, a carousel, or a media file from the answers.
  • Time Alert. The countdown timer starts blinking red when there are 5 minutes left.
  • Instant Feedback to Students. Provides examiners the ability to compare students’ checked test results with the correct answers.
  • Score Display. Shows the scored and maximum marks of the test.
  • Test Continuation. In case of shutdowns, students can return to the test with previously inserted data saved during the test (access is possible within the remaining countdown time).
  • Test Deletion. Allows the deletion of the passed test while keeping the results of the checking.
  • Questions Pagination. Questions in the test can be navigated using arrows..

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Introducing the Question Bank

To enhance your experience with Examarius, white label online testing platform, we’ve introduced 6 powerful key modules designed to streamline your exam management process. But we decided to not stop there and started developing custom features so that you will be able to have those you need along with basic ones.

Thus, in the latest update, we focused on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of creating, organizing, and managing your test bank questions. Let’s take a closer look at these exciting new capabilities.

Centralized Repository

The online test platform now features a centralized repository that allows examiners to store vast collections of questions in one place for easy access and management. This makes it easy to organize, access, and manage questions without the hassle of scattered files or documents. The centralized system ensures that all questions are readily available for test creation, reducing the time spent searching for specific items.

Hierarchical Categorization

To enhance your organization, Examarius’ Question Bank offers hierarchical categorization. It means that educators can categorize questions by various criteria, such as topic, complexity, subject area, and more. This structured approach helps in quickly locating the right option for specific tests, ensuring that assessments are well-balanced and aligned with learning objectives.

Automated Test Generation

The automated test generation feature simplifies the process of creating and updating exams. It helps to easily create new tests or update existing ones by selecting questions from a bank based on specific parameters. For example, examiners can set a difficulty level, topic coverage, and type, and the system will automatically select appropriate questions from the bank. This not only saves time but also ensures that tests are comprehensive and tailored to the desired criteria.

Quick Filter and Quick Preview

The Question Bank (QB) module of Examarius Online Test System includes a quick filter option that allows users to sort questions by various components, such as keywords, type, and difficulty. Additionally, the quick preview feature enables users to view questions instantly without navigating away from the main interface. These tools streamline the selection process, making it easier to manage and choose the suitable questions for each test.

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Benefits of Question Bank for Educators, Examiners, and Businesses

Question Bank is definitely one of the standout additions to any education software. This powerful tool is a game-changer, as it grants adaptability and flexibility to the testing process. Besides that, it offers the following:

Streamlined Test Creation

In general, creating exams can be a time-consuming task. With the Question Bank, you can pull pre-vetted questions from a vast repository, making the test creation process faster and more efficient. This means that educators are able to have more time for teaching and less time spent on administrative tasks.

Diverse and Customizable Assessments

The QB allows you to create diverse assessments tailored to the students’ needs. Whether you need multiple-choice questions, short answers, or IDEs, the Question Bank has you covered. Don’t forget that you can also customize the difficulty level and align questions with specific learning objectives. This will ensure that your assessments are both fair and challenging.

Customization and Adaptability

Users are able to adapt the Examarius Question Bank for various purposes, from specific students’ needs or curriculum requirements to employee onboarding and ongoing professional development. This adaptability ensures that the tool remains relevant and effective across different contexts.

Improved Assessment Quality

It is possible to update and review questions regularly and easily to ensure the accuracy, relevance, and lack of bias. As a result, you are able to incorporate diverse perspectives to enhance inclusivity and fairness.

Facilitation of Collaborative Test Development

The feature also allows multiple educators to contribute to a question bank to foster collaboration and share their best practices. This collaborative approach enhances the quality and diversity of the questions. It also promotes a sense of community and continuous improvement among educators.

Source: Question Bank for Online Testing Software (+Clickable Prototype)

Why Examarius Question Bank Is a Great Back-to-School Tool

The “Back to School” period is a significant time of year when students, parents, and educators prepare for the upcoming academic year. For parents, this typically involves purchasing school supplies, clothing, and other essentials needed for the new academic term. Students are trying to take the most they can from the last days of freedom, mentally preparing for the new academic challenges ahead. And, teachers are in need to prepare for the lessons and follow newly implemented regulations.

In many countries, the “Back to School” season starts in late summer, just before the school year begins. For example, in the United States and Canada, it usually coincides with the end of August and early September, around Labor Day. In the United Kingdom, the school year usually begins in early September. In Australia, schools start in late January to early February, as the academic year aligns with the calendar year. In Japan, the school year starts in early April, coinciding with the cherry blossom season. In South Korea, the academic year starts in early March.

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And the list goes on. Each country has its traditions, but everyone is trying to face the challenges fully prepared. This is when the Examarius QB comes to the stage as it can be an invaluable resource for examiners. Here’s how it can help:

Efficient Preparation

With the QB, teachers can quickly assemble tests that are aligned with their curriculum. This efficiency is a lifesaver, especially during the hectic back-to-school rush when every minute counts.

Improved Student Engagement

By offering a variety of question types and difficulty levels, the Question Bank helps to keep students engaged and challenged. This variety not only keeps them engaged but also caters to different learning styles and needs, making assessments more inclusive and effective without the hassle of extensive preparation.

Data-Driven Insights

Pair the QB with Examarius’s real-time analytics, and you’ve got a powerhouse of insights into student performance. Teachers can easily spot where students are excelling or need a bit more help, allowing for targeted support. No more juggling multiple systems – everything you need is right here.

In general, the Question Bank significantly decreases the time spent on searching for the required specific features as it already has everything you need. As a result, educators are able to prepare for the academic year more effectively and faster, spending less time and institutional resources.

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Frequently Asked Questions

For those who are not familiar with this type of feature, let us answer the most popular questions people ask about QB.

What is a Question Bank?

It is a repository of questions that can be used to create tests, quizzes, and assessments. It allows educators and businesses to store, organize, and reuse questions efficiently for each specific need.

How do I create the Question Bank in Examarius?

When talking about our online test system, creating a QB involves compiling questions into a centralized system, categorizing them by topic, difficulty, and other criteria, and using sorting components to manage and access them easily.

As for the technical side of the software, we provide all our clients with an Installation Guide and video tutorials or are able to offer you installation services for additional payment in case you want to be sure that everything in your system is ready for utilization.

Can I import questions?

Some Question Bank systems allow users to import questions from various sources, such as spreadsheets, text files, or other assessment tools. As for the Examarius Question Bank, this feature is not available at the moment of publishing this article. However, if you’d like to add this functionality, we’re here to assist you with customizing it for your online test system. We update Examarius regularly, and have a roadmap of future features to implement, so stay tuned to know more.

How do I organize questions?

They can be organized (in other words, sorted) by categories, such as subject, topic, difficulty level, and type. This helps in quickly finding and selecting the right options for specific assessments.

What types of questions can be stored in the QB?

Question Bank can store all the types of questions integrated in Examarius, including such as spreadsheets, diagrams, IDEs for coding tests, checkboxes, and more.

How do I use it to create a test?

You can select questions from the Question Bank based on specific criteria and compile them into a test. Many systems, including Question Bank, offer automated test generation features to streamline this process. Thus, in Examarius, you are able to just choose the needed questions, click the “Create” button, and the test will be compiled automatically considering the settings you used.

Can a Question Bank be shared with other examiners?

Yes, Examarius’ Question Bank allows for sharing and collaboration, enabling multiple examiners from one institution to contribute to and use the same repository.

How do I ensure the quality of questions?

Regularly reviewing and updating questions, peer reviews, and using analytics to track performance can help maintain high-quality questions in the bank. For those who want to integrate detailed reports for even better quality, we offer maximizing your experience with the Advanced Reports & Dashboards module. It will be a perfect combo for your question bank management system and will ensure all examinees get the tests with the required set of questions.

What are some popular Question Bank system tools?

Popular tools include Google Forms, ExamSoft, Questionmark, and various other Learning Management Systems (LMS) that offer an integrated Question Bank feature. However, Examarius is able to surpass many of them. And not just because it’s a white-label system without subscription. If you don’t believe us, you can check for yourself!


The new feature in Examarius is designed to enhance your exam management experience, making it more efficient, reliable, and user-friendly. Along with the other small adjustments and updates of the system, the Question Bank becomes a powerful tool that can transform how you create and administer assessments, especially as you prepare for the new school year.

Ready to see Examarius and its Question Bank in action? Contact us for a demo and discover how our latest updates can benefit your institution.