Project Management Web Application Based on the Gantt Chart - XB Software Unlock potential. Conquer exams. Choose Examarius. More Info

Project Management Application Based on the Gantt Chart

An online Gantt chart application that provides cutting-edge features for efficient project management. Offers a wide range of functions for project scheduling, activities assignment, monitoring, and resource management. Team collaboration features, such as task comments and attachments, increase team productivity and efficiency.

Project Management Application Based on the Gantt Chart

Business Challenge

Data visualization is one of the major trends in modern enterprise software. In the case of project management, a Gantt chart application represents a well-proven approach to efficient workflow visualization and project monitoring. A properly made Gantt chart app allows the user to plan almost any process. Moreover, modern technologies allow companies to automate dozens of activities that in previous years had to be managed manually. A custom-made web application built in accordance with the needs of a particular business can significantly improve the project management process, making it more flexible and transparent.

Our developers were asked to build a project management software tool based on the Gantt chart that combines cutting-edge functionality and ease of use. The web application should enable users to review all the activities from which the project consists and define dependencies between them. For more effective project management, our client asked us to implement the option to assign particular employees to specific tasks, set roles for team members, monitor overall progress, and share Gantt charts with other users. For an efficient distribution of workload between employees, the web application should include resource planning and workload monitoring features.


XB Software’s development team has created a full-featured custom web application for effective project management and in-team collaboration. The application offers different workspaces for managing multiple projects. Access to particular projects can be granted to team members responsible for specific activities. For effective project management, users can prioritize tasks, set dependencies between them, define durations, and change the current level of progress using the web application.

This web application for project management allows tracking of both personal and team productivity. Managers can set roles for team members, assign tasks to particular employees, monitor project progress, and track the contribution of each staff member. For more effective team collaboration, our developers have implemented a sharing feature that allows staff members to work alongside their colleagues.

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An advanced resource planning system provides project managers with an easy-to-use mechanism for effective workload monitoring. You can set the cost per hour for a resource and the time spent working on a task. Using this info, the web application for efficient management can automatically calculate the approximate cost for a single task, group of tasks, or even the whole project.

The workload monitoring feature allows the company management to check if some of the employees are underperforming or have too many activities. In such a situation, this project management application will be able to reallocate particular staff members with a couple of clicks.

In the case of unexpected changes of dates for existing activities, there’s no need to make any changes manually. The Auto Scheduling function of this application can automatically recalculate what should be done and add the required changes. The Critical Path is another essential project management feature of this web app. It allows to highlight all the tasks that have the most significant impact on the overall time of the project.

One of the main concerns for company management is to achieve better collaboration between team members. Our web application lets users add comments to tasks and attach files (specifications, mockups, etc.) to them. The built-in notification system helps to keep staff members aware of recent changes. Also, charts can be exported to such formats as PDF, PNG, XLSX, and XML.

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Implemented Components

In order to speed up the development process and let our customer have a slick outcome of the solution, we added our ready-made JavaScript UI libraries and widgets (Webix and DHTMLX).

Thus, to improve the software usability, we implemented DHTMLX Gantt chart library, which became the key component of the solution. Considering that Gantt charts are popular in project management applications, the client was more than satisfied with this decision. The DHTMLX JavaScript Gantt chart allows users to move tasks, create new ones from scratch, and reorder columns in the grid with a simple drag-and-drop feature.

To let users store and share needed documents and media files they use in their projects, we integrated Webix JavaScript Document Manager. The feature was suitable for the clients, because they wanted to let their team have more control over the digital documents and improve the project management process by allowing them to group, sort out, and comment on the files.

Adding Webix JavaScript Report Manager also helped the client’s team to better manage their projects and have enhanced team collaboration, because they are now able to gather the required data and easily export it when needed.

Project in Figures

Project Management Application Based on the Gantt Chart

Applied Technologies

Project Management Application Based on the Gantt Chart


Our developers have built a full-featured custom project management application that can cover the needs of almost any type of company. This web application allows users to create an interactive visual representation of a project that shows dependencies between the tasks it consists of. Resource and workload monitoring help to improve project management and achieve effective workforce planning with minimum effort. The ability to attach comments and files to the available tasks can significantly improve team collaboration and increase overall productivity.

This project management web tool allows our client to:

  • simplify project management
  • improve workforce planning
  • achieve better team collaboration.
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