Academic cheating has always been a common issue, but it has gotten worse as curriculum learning and knowledge testing moves more online. According to the research by BMC, about 50% of high school students in the USA reported having cheated on an exam at least once in the last year. Just remember yourself or your peers during your school, college, or university years – almost everybody cheated one way or the other at least once in their life.

With the evolution of different technologies, it’s possible to expose more cheating ways than earlier. Even with the rise of the Internet, it became possible to check graduation works online, where any book can be found. Before this, it was impossible to assess if a student copied most of the information from the book they’ve read in a nearby library or if their text was genuinely original. However, there are always two sides of a coin, so students are now finding new ways to cheat during their tests.

To help educators in their goal of maintaining academic integrity, they need to be familiar with the forms that cheating may take considering nowadays’ technologies and know how it can be fought. Therefore, today, we decided to delve into the topic of cheating to explore the ways students use to cheat, methods to prevent them, and other important details examiners should know.

The Current State of Online Test Cheating

The current state of cheating in tests, especially in the context of online exams, has become a significant concern for educators and institutions. Thus, for example, the shift to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic led to a notable rise in cheating incidents. The use of advanced technology, such as AI tools like ChatGPT, has also introduced new challenges in detecting and preventing cheating. These tools can generate answers or complete assignments, making it harder for educators to identify dishonest behavior. Overall, students have developed a variety of methods to cheat, also including using unauthorized online resources, collaborating with peers during exams, and even hiring others to take tests on their behalf.

To better understand the current situation of exam cheating, let’s look at some of the popular methods students use nowadays.

Unauthorized Paper Materials

Many learners are using different unauthorized materials that might help them to answer correctly to the test questions in a subtle way:

  • Notes and Textbooks. Students might hide notes in their clothing, on their desks, or in their electronic devices. They may also use textbooks or other reference materials that are not allowed during the exam.
  • Cheat Sheets. Small pieces of paper with key information written on them, often hidden in pockets or sleeves.

Technology Aids

Of course, with the evolution of technological devices, most of the students changed their paper helpers to more modern cheating methods:

  • Smartphones. Students can use their phones to look up answers or access stored information.
  • Smartwatches. These devices can store notes or be used to receive messages during an exam.
  • Earbuds. Wireless earbuds can be used to receive answers from someone outside the exam room.
  • Camera Pens. Pens with built-in cameras are utilized to take pictures of the exam and send them to someone for answers.
  • AI chats. Using AI tools, like ChatGPT, Copilot, and others, to copy and paste questions and get the right answers.



Besides the individual searching for answers, examinees may also collaborate with other students or their friends to get the needed information:

  • Group Chats. Students might create group chats on messaging apps to share answers during an exam.
  • Online Forums. Posting questions on forums or social media to get answers in real-time.


This common cheating method includes another person who will pretend to be an examinee. In this case, students are usually:

  • Hiring Someone Else. Paying someone to take the exam for them, either in person or online.
  • Using Fake IDs. Creating fake identification to allow someone else to take the exam on their behalf.

Remote Desktop Control

By combining collaboration and technology, students invented the usage of remote desktop control methods:

  • Screen Sharing Software. Using programs like TeamViewer or AnyDesk to allow another person to control their computer and take the exam.
  • Virtual Machines. Setting up a virtual machine that someone else can access remotely to complete the exam.

These and many other methods highlight the creativity and resourcefulness students may use to cheat, underscoring the importance of comprehensive strategies to maintain academic integrity. However, before thinking about which methods to use for preventing cheating, let’s discover the reasons why students cheat.

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Why Students Cheat in Online Testing

Students cheat for a variety of reasons, often influenced by both personal and external factors. Some students feel immense pressure to achieve high grades, which can drive them to take shortcuts. Others might struggle with the material and see cheating as their only option to pass. Usually, these are some common reasons that lead to cheating:

Pressure to achieve high grades

Many students feel immense pressure from parents, teachers, and themselves to achieve high grades, which can lead them to cheat as a way to meet these expectations. This pressure can create a stressful environment where students feel that their worth is tied solely to their academic performance.

Poor time management

Procrastination and poor time management can leave students feeling unprepared for exams or assignments, making cheating seem like a quick solution. This creates a cycle where the immediate relief from stress overshadows the long-term consequences of academic dishonesty.

Fear of failure

The fear of failing a course or exam can drive students to cheat, especially if they believe that failing will have significant negative consequences on their future. This anxiety can be exacerbated by competitive academic environments where the stakes are perceived to be very high.

Lack of understanding

Students who do not fully understand the material may cheat to avoid poor performance, especially if they feel they haven’t received adequate support or instruction. This lack of understanding can lead to frustration and a sense of helplessness, making cheating seem like a viable option.

Perception that “everyone else is doing it”

If students believe that their peers are cheating and getting away with it, they may feel justified in doing the same to level the playing field. This perception can create a culture of dishonesty, where cheating becomes normalized and even expected.

Temptation due to technology

The availability of technology, such as smartphones and the internet, makes it easier for students to access information and cheat during exams. This easy access to information can be tempting, especially during high-stakes assessments.

Unmonitored environments

Online exams and assignments often lack strict supervision, which can tempt students to cheat, believing they are less likely to be caught. This perceived anonymity can lower the barriers to dishonest behavior, making it easier for students to justify cheating.

Disinterest in the assignment

When students are not interested in the subject matter or see no relevance to their future goals, they may be more likely to cheat to get through the assignment quickly. This lack of engagement can diminish their motivation to learn, leading them to prioritize convenience over integrity.

Understanding these reasons can help educators develop strategies to reduce cheating and promote academic integrity. By addressing the root causes, such as providing better support and creating a less stressful learning environment, educators can help students feel more confident in their abilities. So, now that we know these root reasons, let’s dive deeper into the solutions of preventing cheating.

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Ways to Stop Cheating on Online Tests

Preventing cheating in online tests requires a multifaceted approach. To combat these challenges, educators can employ a variety of strategies. Thus, embracing the combination of technological solutions with educational approaches can create a more secure and fair testing environment. Regularly updating and reviewing such methods ensures they remain effective against new cheating tactics.

Secure Exam Environment

Using education software that creates a secure testing environment for students is vital. Such a system can help to maintain the integrity of the examination process by preventing unauthorized access to information. It also ensures that all students are assessed under the same conditions, promoting fairness. Additionally, these tools can provide valuable insights into student behavior, helping educators identify and address potential issues early on.

Take, for example, Examarius. With three separate modules (Admin, Educator, Student), it is possible to prevent test cheating for students who tend to explore answers in a browser HTML-code. Each module has its own architecture, delivering users with the data restricted to their account type only. Thus, it is impossible for students to get answers in any way, because the module they use doesn’t store this information.

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Randomized Questions

Implementing randomization to test questions and answers is another method that can help in preventing malicious intents. For example, Examarius can randomize questions for each student, making it difficult for them to share answers. This feature ensures that each test is unique, reducing the likelihood of collusion. It also helps in assessing each student’s individual understanding of the material.

If talking more about the types of test questions, open-book exams can reduce the temptation to cheat by allowing students to use resources, thus focusing on their ability to apply knowledge rather than memorize facts.

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Time Management

Continuing to talk about the online exam software, it may also include strict time limits for exams to reduce the opportunity for students to look up answers. This feature ensures that students must rely on their knowledge and preparation, rather than external resources. By limiting the time available, it also helps to maintain a fair testing environment for all participants.

Lockdown Browsers

Lockdown browsers are specialized web browsers designed to create a secure testing environment for online exams. By using lockdown browsers, like NAP (NAPLAN), Respondus, etc., educational institutions can significantly enhance the integrity of their online assessments, ensuring that students are evaluated fairly based on their own knowledge and abilities.

Such browsers prevent students from accessing other applications, websites, or files on their devices during an exam. This ensures that they cannot look up answers or communicate with others. Some of them include webcam monitoring features, allowing instructors to monitor students in real-time, detecting any suspicious behavior that might indicate cheating. Besides that, these browsers may include screen recording, keystroke analysis, integration with LMS, and more to assist teachers in cheating prevention.

Students Education

Fostering a culture of academic integrity is crucial. This can be achieved by clearly communicating the importance of honesty, providing support for students who are struggling, and implementing honor codes that students pledge to uphold. Teach students about the importance of academic integrity and the consequences of their malicious actions. Additionally, recognizing and rewarding academic honesty can reinforce positive behavior and motivate students to uphold these standards.

While clearly communicating the rules and consequences of cheating to students before exams, explain which cheating prevention methods will be used. For example, knowing that there is a tool that detects plagiarism in written assignments, ensuring originality, there are more chances that students won’t spend their time on searching for ways to copy and paste unoriginal content.

For those examinees who are not sure in their skills due to having disabilities or requiring special attention, explain to them which assistive technologies will be used in the process. This will give them more confidence overall.

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As you can see, academic cheating, particularly in the context of online learning, remains a significant challenge for educators and institutions. The rise of technology has both exposed new methods of cheating and provided tools to combat it. Therefore, understanding the reasons why students cheat is crucial in developing effective strategies to promote academic integrity.

By implementing a combination of various methods and software solutions, like Examarius, educators can create a fair and reliable assessment process. Ultimately, a multifaceted approach that includes both technological and educational strategies is essential to maintaining the integrity of online exams. So, if you need to develop an education system to implement it as one of the solutions to prevent online test cheating, contact us, and we will be able to offer you the best solution.