Let's step into the world where your vision for software excellence becomes a reality. We not just offer services, we offer a partnership with a full spectrum of IT solutions tailored precisely for your business unique demands. Engage with us, and let's craft your software aspirations together.
XB Software provides a kaleidoscope of innovative web-based applications and consumer-centric platforms that are tailored to the unique needs of each business. Working with us, you receive a suite of integrated applications for resource planning, workforce management, project management, and more.
At XB Software, we are like the software world's tailors, stitching together custom solutions for a wardrobe of industries. Our history? A patchwork quilt of global collaborations. Your industry's quirks? We've got the pattern for success. Let's weave some digital magic together!
Ready to step into the future, where you have a solution that doesn't just meet the mark but sets the standard? We have the needed arsenal of cutting-edge technologies for that.
Let's not just think outside the box — let's work with your product together. With our ready-made JavaScript widgets and white-label solutions, you will be able to launch your software faster and more effectively.
A Good Time for a Startup to Build a Food Delivery AppIn 2020, 6.1 billion people will use smartphones, according to a new study by Ericsson Mobility Report. Think these numbers over. This year it is expected 7,8 billion of the whole population. It’s no wonder that we speak about the global coverage of the mobi...By Yana Sarycheva
Why Equipment Rental Business Should Care About Digital TransformationEquipment prices are rising from year to year, so not every construction business can afford or is ready to buy it. In this situation, the decision to rent equipment is made. Rising costs of machinery are making more and more construction companies to use equi...By Yana Sarycheva
Top Developers Interviewed Our COO Vitaly HornikA B2B research and review firm Top Developers that list of the most successful and finest IT service and solution providers interviewed Vitaly Hornik, COO in XB Software. Questions related to the development process, management, company growth strategy, custom...By Yana Sarycheva
Time and Materials (TM) Contract vs Fixed Price (FP). Which One Is Better?For the organization to have the opportunity to exist in the future, it is necessary to recognize the business prospects. Only after determining the possibilities of the business, as well as the directions and methods of its evolution, one can talk about speci...By Yana Sarycheva